About Center for Renewal and Advancement

Center for Renewal and Advancement (CRA) provides consulting and training services to churches throughout the USA, New Zealand, Australia, and Nigeria. We exist primarily to promote the spiritual health and vitality of the Body of Christ by assisting local congregations to recognize, embrace and restore the kind of Biblical literacy that all believers need to live godly, fruitful lives as revealed in the Scriptures. We are not seeking to do “seminary” in local churches, but to help facilitate theological reflection through coaching for church workers and lay leaders and to encourage, strengthen, support and equip church leaders through seminars, workshops, fellowships, support groups and church consultations

The CRA solution is uniquely tailored to you and your ministry context. Rather than removing you from your ministry environment for a short and intense period of information transfer, we come along side, for months and years, so that you don’t just learn new concepts, but apply them to the realities of your unique ministry setting. Our coaches and consultants provide just-in-time support, feedback, challenge, and encouragement based on our experience, competence, and commitment.


Our Mission & Core Values

Center for Renewal and Advancement (CRA) is an evangelical, nondenominational, and international organization committed to a new paradigm of ministry and leadership in the urban context. In all of its activities, CRA understands its mandate to raise a cadre of leaders that are committed to integrity, purpose, and             excellence in the service of Christ’s Church. In all of its activities, including coaching, mentoring, research and writing, worship and service, CRA will be guided by the following core beliefs and values:

  • Engaging church and society with the power of witness to Jesus Christ.
  • Sustaining a community passionate about unity, fellowship, worship, and service.
  • Modeling growth in intellect, character, spirit, mission, and ministry.
  • Belief in the authority of Scripture, the centrality of Jesus Christ, and the Spirit-directed mission of God.
  • Embodying excellence, innovation, and practical relevance in the services of Christ’s Church in the areas of coaching, mentoring, research and writing, practical ministry and service.



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